I swear I didnt give him the candy......
Well, Its October 31 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! I cant believe how fast this year has gone by already!! Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away - and then Christmas - ACK! I am getting really excited for the holidays though..I LOVE this time of year! And now that we have a happy little baby to share it with it will be even better....

We have been having a great time hanging out with other babies and new mommies with the MOMS Club I joined - I tell ya....its been a LIFESAVER! Well, maybe a marriage saver is a better description! HA!
We walk almost everyday with out new friends at a nearby park - we go to infant story time at the library and I really think Noah likes it - they read several short books and then we sing and dance along to rhymes and goofy songs like 'The weels on the bus" and Noah smiles through the whole thing!
Last night Noah was laying on floor on his play mat just sucking away on a new pacifier and it fell out of his mouth - and as I was leaning down to put it back in for him, he reached out, picked it up, and stuck it right back in his mouth all by himself!!!!!!!! I was shocked! And then so excited and impressed by him - and then sad....he is already beginning to not need me as much - its a small thing, I know, but it sure pangs the heart anyway. We get so excited for him to grow and learn new things...but when you actually see it happening you want them to stay a baby forever!
He is beginning to sit up better and for longer periods by himself - he reaches for and wants to explore everything. I held a peice of ICE to see what he would think about that and he sort of made a sour face when he touched it - I wonder what he thought???
He loves to pet Bandit - everytime Bandit comes close Noah reaches out for him. I encourage it because I want them both to get used to each other - but I think Bandit is sort of shocked by it - I can just see him thinking "Woah, it sure moves a lot more than it used to! Got any food on those fingers?" I put some sunscreen on Noah one morning before our walk - and Bandit tried to lick every inch of it off him - Noah laughed when his feet were being 'cleaned'! It was cute...
Noah is definatley more aware of who Mommy and Daddy are and who 'strangers' are - he will cry for a few seconds if someone new holds him - but once he figures out he is safe and new people are funny - he will smile and be just fine with it. Then he will spit up on them...thats when ya know you are really accepted! HA!
Anyway, we just wanted to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN to everyone! We sure miss you all and cant wait to see ya'll for the holidays!