The Easter Bunny came and went already! Is anyone else a little freaked out by how quickly this year has flown by already!?!? Or is it just me? I still catch myself putting 2007 on paperwork - hello...I just cant believe Easter is over already.
Noah had a GREAT Easter - well at least I think he did. We went over to another family's house to hunt eggs. We were thinking that there might be a few other families there but we had no idea that the fire department would have to come and block off their street because of the herds of parents and kids flocking to their house - it was a mini carnival! There were face painters there, the firemen were handing out little fun things to the 1.2 million kids, the EASTER BUNNY was there IN PERSON (or in bunny??) it was insane! And this was all in our friends back yard! Thank goodness their back yard was bigger than our whole plot of land. But it was perfect and I really think Noah had fun crawling around and playing with the eggs that he "found". He wasnt even scared of the Easter Bunny who crept up behind him and eerily just sat there watching until I took a picture...gave me the creeps actually...but I came home with some great pictures and thats all I wanted! Well, that and the chocolate that we found..HA!