Halloween .....hmmm.... How does a person explain Halloween to a two year old? I mean, seriuosly, if I were pint sized and most everything is new and huge to me than I suppose I would be terrified too. So I dont blame Noah for absolutely refusing to wear his halloween costume that I spent a few days....DAYS...... making and then REmaking. I blame myself for expecting him to wear it happily and pose perfectly for precious keepsake pictures. It was definately one of those times when you ask yourself - What was I thinking?
I guess I should have known how it would all play out after the way he flipped out over ME wearing the fireman uniform. And when he woke up from his nap on the afternoon of Halloween and saw my face painted up like a butterfly - he screamed "NO MOMMY - I DONT LIKE BUTTERFLY - TAKE IT OFF - TAKE IT OFF NOW MOMMY!!!" Maybe that should have been my second clue to just give up....but no, I stood strong. I knew my child could be brave and obedient and carry out the task of being the cutest darn caterpillar the world has ever seen....

So after I called in the services of DADDY to hold his screaming crying self down while I shoved and tugged and struggled to get this costume over his wiggling squirming body for a good 15 minutes - we were still unsuccessful. Toddler - 1, Mommy - 0 ....again.
By this time I was half an hour late to the party that I was supposed to provide games and activities for - and of course Kevin recieved an important business call right at the time he could have been helping me load up a still crying half dressed caterpillar and a hungry infant; along with the camera, stoller, picnic basket full of halloween goodies and of course the diaper bag. So Im sweating off my face paint and really hating my 'brillant' ideas and wondering WHY I even try so hard in the first place....
However - the kids still had a great time at the park and wore themselves out - so when we got home I pretty much hog tied Noah to the floor (easier to do now that he has lost some off his energy!) and forced on the rest of The Very Hungry Caterpiller costume and Kevin was able to snap a few not so perfect pictures - but still...at this point, all I wanted was a picture - any picture - and then a large glass of wine.

Its hard to look pissed off with a butterfly painted on your face - but I think I pulled it off nicely. (I was tired from my death grip around his ribs trying to keep him still for this picture!)