We got to be together at home as a family for a whole two weeks before Jonah got sick. I picked him up one morning and thought to myself that he
maybe felt a
tiny bit warm. So I took his temp - 100.7 - I called his Dr and he told me to take him to the ER right away. Thats not an easy thing to swallow. Because my first thought was "Really, for a temp of only 100.7?? Cant we just give him tylenol?" Buuuuttt - apparently not. We ended up spending 14 days in the hospital. Turns out, Jonah drew the lucky number (again) - 1 out of every 1 billion infant boys get a UTI - Jonah was the 1. AND he became SEPTIC to top it all off. (I really dont remember the stats - but I do remember it being pretty rare). The poor little guy had to have all sorts of ugly tests run - x-rays, blood work, spinal taps, cathiters (7 total - ouch!), picc line......
Jonah in hospital - feeling MUCH better! |
This was were I lived for 2 weeks |
BUT, all the while, I was thankful - it could have been much much worse. We came very close to losing him as it was and we felt very blessed that it didnt get any more serious. I know a few mothers who lost their babies this summer - one to SIDS, and more than one to miscarriages....so needless to say, there was a very real fear of losing our tiny baby, but we were blessed indeed.
My heart breaks in a whole new way for each of my dear mommy friends who still hurt from their losses - Im still praying for each of you!!!
We are all home and healthy now.......the real fun begins!
All the boys together (43 pictures and only ONE turns out a tiny bit decent!) |
We had some issues with Noah at first, but we worked through them and things are back to normal. He is such a good big brother - really he is. He has such a big tender heart and loves to play with his brothers. It could be playing chase with Eli or kissing Jonahs head, hands or feet - he adores his brothers. I wonder how long that will last??? Eli will be bigger than Noah - there is no doubt - and he will get his revenge!
Stuck in a stepstool - started out funny....didnt end that way |
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