Well - He is finally here...and I am finally able to update this blog! Sorry it has taken me so long...Elijah (Eli) Allen Davis was born on April 23rd at 9:11pm weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces and 19 inches long. I was in labor for about 4 hours and everything went perfectly fine! Eli came home a little yellow from jaundice but is pinking up nicely. He has dark grey eyes for now - I think they will turn brown - and dark brown hair...LONG fingers and toes - and more gas than a room full of men at a cabbage eating contest! WHEW! This little guy has some tootin-talent!

He sleeps a lot (Praise Jesus!) and eats about every 3 to 4 hours so I am actually able to get plenty of sleep while the kiddos are having their naps too....so far anyway....
All in all - things are going really well! I am having a little difficulty with breastfeeding at the moment but its nothing that wont pass with time and practice. Im just very happy that I am able to nurse this time around...

After this first month with Eli he is becoming more and more alert and I am watching him try to sit up at the moment - he is on the floor looking up at me with an irrated expression -- could be the flatulance...yep it was! how cute....lol. He is not a fussy baby at all - until you undress him or are too slow to put food in his mouth or if he has a particularly difficult 'movement' - lets just say this little fellow is NOT a fan of poopin!
Now for Noah - this child never ceases to amaze me. Both Kevin and I are so proud of how he has handled becoming a big brother. Of course he isnt perfect and certainly has his needy moments - mostly when I am feeding Eli and rendered completely useless to him. But other than those rare "Im gonna pull my hair out" occasions Noah loves to shower Eli with kisses - and any exposed body part that he can name is fair game. He loves to help change Eli's diaper and will fight me over who gets to go throw the "Shoowy poopy in the trash" - Im happy to let him win on that one. He will bring me the burp cloth, blanket, pacifier, or even the remote when I am again rendered useless. Dont think for a second that he hasnt also stolen these items just before I needed them and bolted across the house in fits of laughter and then there's me chasing after him half dressed - not a pretty moment for any of us. But these things I can handle - the only real danger thus far is the possiblility of Eli getting his eyeballs squeezed out of his head by Noah's not so gentle affection....that and maybe choking on a cheeto Noah is trying to share with him. But as long as its all in the name of brotherly LOVE I'll take it - and then just gently remind Noah to be gentle and thank him kindly for sharing as I take the cheeto snack to the table.

Its hot here - already - so our outdoor time as been limited to the mornings or late evening - if at all. Being indoors has been the hardest thing to adjust to for all of us. Its just too hot for little Eli - but Noah LOVES to be outside and we can only play for about 45 minutes before we need air conditioning...and thats just not enough for Noah. So we are currently trying to think up fun indoor activities that we can do ...any suggestions??
1 comment:
Congrats! He is beautiful!!
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