I have a very important Announcement to make - NOAH USED THE POTTY THREE TIMES!!!!!! He even ASKS to go use the potty now - he doesnt always know WHY he wants to use the potty, but everytime he mentions it I take him in there and sit him down on it...and he actually "put the water in the potty" three different times! So we do the "peepee" dance and he gets a couple of M&M's when the mission is accomplished. I actually bought a book on using the potty that came with a calendar and some stickers - we may crack it open pretty soon. He also got some big boy underwear with Elmo on them.
Im not rushing him into anything yet - I still dont think he fully understands what he has done - its all about the candy to him! But he WILL NOT keep his little hands OUT of his diaper (I have re-named him Bundy) and has even gone so far as to 'reposition' himself inside his diaper so that he just pee's right out the side of it anyway so whats the point ya know? My poor new carpet......oh well - thats kids for ya!
Here are some pictures of the little guy playin in the water outside 

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