Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Last week - Noah started school...LOVES IT. In fact, he didnt want to come home last Friday. "Well, FINE then!! I secretly said to myself.....

SO of course, he got sick. Fever, snotty, snotty nose too, horrible cough and all around just a really uncomfortable little guy. Couldnt breath, couldnt sleep, didnt want to eat - all that stuff. Which means that I got NO sleep for almost 2 nights in a row and my poor kids watched an alarming amount of TV while I was a zombie on the couch....

Its bad when you know what time it is through out the day by what show is on TV.....

Yeah - Im THAT mom.

Horrible I know....but now Eli and Jonah are both sick so I continue to get no sleep and the hours of TV watching are building at a shameful rate and I find myself in this LAZY couch dozing rut....

Enter: 5 Hour Energy drinks

Now, Im pretty much still a vegetable until around Super Why aka 10am - some mornings I dont even have enough energy to finish my coffee for crying out loud - and I do...I cry! But after Word World aka naptime, I down one of these saviors in a bottle and I soon find myself able to cook dinner and even clean a bathroom or two.

Case in point - I just realized its 11:30 and Im not in bed yet.....not good.

 Maybe I will wake up and feel like this....unlikely

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