Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Love old photos

Well - you all know I have fallen in love with Lightroom.  I have been searching my computer for some old photos that I can maybe make better or more interesting just by getting creative with them....that and the fact that I have NO pictures of my kids hanging in my house - seriously - NONE!  So I thought I would try and gather some to print and put in some of these days.

But I found a set of pictures that I love - I love them for their imperfections and stories they tell....and the memories that I hope to never forget. The below set of pictures was my INSANE attempt to get ONE good picture of the three boys together right after Jonah was born -  mission failed.

Yes - thats Eli with his finger down our newborns mouth....and thats Noah for being goofy while trying to take the pictures - and then me getting grumpy with everyone for having fun instead of taking a perfect family photo.......oh well - I sort of love the results like only the Mom would.
This is my crazy family

Then I found some pictures of Jonah as a brand new baby - some are before his trip to the hospital, one is during, and some are after - but the poor thing was so orange from jaundice that I needed to do some playing around with color.

Isnt he a sweet big brother!?!?!   Noah is the lover....Eli is the "finger in the mouth'er"
Anyway - so there is my special find for the week.  Old pictures can make you smile - or make you laugh out loud so hard the other people in the house come check on you.

Hopefully I can find more to share soon....

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